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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech adalah kalimat tak langsung, yaitu kalimat yang dikatakan olehh orang lain (mungkin di tempat dan waktu yang berbeda) berdasarkan apa yang dikatakan langsung oleh penutur pertama. “Indirect Speech” disebut juga reported speech atau quoted speech.

1. Dalam indirect speech, “the past continuous tense” yang digunakan dengan when clause tidak mengalami perubahan.
2. Dalam British English, penulisan tanda kutip menggunakan tanda kutip satu (‘ ‘), sedangkan dalam American English, penulisannya menggunakan tanda kutip dua (“ “).
3. ‘should’ yang digunakan dengan I dan We (British) mempunyai arti akan bukan sebaliknya.
‘should’ berubah menjadi would dalam indirect speech.
 He said that he would be happy
àa) He said, ‘ I should be happy.’
b) He said, ‘I shall be happy.’  He said that he would be happy

4. Untuk suatu pernyataan yang benar secara universal. Kita dapat menggunakan the simple
present tense da dalam noun clause.
a) He said that the sun rises in the east.
b) He said that the sun rose in the east.

5. Jika introductory verb atau kata kerja dalam klausa utama dalam bentuk the simple present,
the present perfect atau the dimple future tense, maka dalam indirect speech tidak mengalami perubahan.
a) He says that he is trying to work carefully.
b) She has said that she will never be late again.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
1) He said, ‘I work Hard.’ He said (that) he worked hard
He said (that)he was working hard
à2) He said, ‘I am working hard.’
3) He said, ‘I will work hard.’ He said (that) He would work hard
He said (that) he had been working hard
à4) He said, ‘I was working hard.’
5) He said, ‘I worked hard.’ He said (that) he had worked hard
He said (that) he had worked hard
à6) He said, ‘I have worked hard.’
He said (that) he was going to work hard
à7) He said, ‘I am going to work hard.’
8) He said, ‘I can work hard.’ He said (that) he could work hard
9) He said, ‘I may work hard.’ He said (that) he might work hard
He said (that) he might work hard
à10) He said, ‘I might work hard.’
11) He said, ‘I must work hard.’ He said (that) he must/had to work hard
He said (that) he had to work hard
à12) He said, ‘I have to work hard.’
13) He said, ‘work hard.’ He told me to work hard
He said (that) he should work hard
à14) He said, ‘I should work hard.’
15) He said, ‘Don’t leave.’ He told me not to leave
16) He said, ‘Will you come?’ He asked if (wheter or not) I would go.
17) He asked, ‘where are you?’ He asked me where I was
He said (that) he was talking to his teacher when Ann called him
à18) He said, ‘I was talking to my teacher when Ann called me.’

Perhatikan perubahan kata keterangan waktu dan kata kerja di dalam Indirect Speech
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
  • Then, at that moment (pada waktu itu)àNow (sekarang)
  • That thay (hari itu)àToday (hari ini)
  • The day before, the previous day (sehari sebelumnya)àYesterday (Kemarin)
  • The night before, the previous night (semalam sebelumnya)àLast night (semalam)
  • the week before, the previous week (seminggu sebelumnya)àLast week (minggu lalu)
  • Two days before (dua hari sebelumnya)àTwo days ago (dua hari lalu)
  • a week before, the previous week (seminggu sebelumnya)àA week ago (seminggu lalu)
  • A month before, the previous month (sebulan sebelumnya)àA month ago (sebulan lalu)
  • a year before, the previous year (setahun sebelumnya)àA year ago (setahun lalu)
  • the following day, the next day (hari berikutnya)àTomorrow (besok)
  • the following week (minggu berikutnya)àNext week (minggu depan)
  • the following month (bulan berikutnya)àNext month (bulan depan)
  • the following year (tahun berikutnya)àNext year (tahun depan)
  • the following Monday (senin berikutnya)àNext Monday (senin depan)
  • there (disana)àHere (disini)
  • over there (disebelah sana)àOver here (di sebelah sini)
  • that (itu)àThis (ini)
  • those (itu)àThese (ini)

He asked wheter (or not) I had stayed there
à1. He asked, ‘Did you stay here?’
He said (that) he had been sick two days before/earlier
à2. He said, ‘I was sick two days ago.’
He said (that) he would the following/next day
à3. He said, ‘I will work tomorrow.’
He said (that) he had arrived the day before/the previous day
à4. He said, ‘I arrived yesterday.’
He said (that) he had been there the week before
à5. He said, ‘I was there last week.’

• Ubahlah Direct Speech di bawah ini menjadi Indirect Speech.
1. ‘I am going home now, ‘Yusuf said ......
2. ‘What do you want?’ Linda asked me ......
3. ‘Have you seen him lately?’ his mother wanted to know ......
4. ‘What have you done?’ he asked me ......
5. ‘I am late, ‘Ana said ......
6. ‘Can you stay to have dinner with us?’ I asked him ......
7. ‘May I borrow your pen?’Wati asked ......
8. ‘I am leaving, ‘he told us ......
9. ‘He must go home now, ‘she said ......
10. ‘I can’t do it by myself, ‘Alex told us ......

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